First Step Review


Step One:  Please select one answer for each of the following questions. If you answer "No" to question two, please skip to question five.

1.  Have you defaulted on a loan? Yes      No

2.  Have you previously filed for bankruptcy? Yes      No

* If yes to No.2, was the bankruptcy more than 7 years ago? Yes      No

* If yes to No.2, was the bankruptcy paid back in full? Yes      No

3.  Have you ever been a cosigner for someone's loan?  Yes      No

4.  Do you have a record of on-time payments for the last three years? Yes      No

5.  How many loans were repaid on-time in the last three years? 0      1-2 3+

6.  Do you have a good working relationship with your bank? Yes      No

7.  Has your bank responded well to other personal or business ventures? Yes      No If no, please explain:   

Step Two:  Press "Send Score" and your credit score will be placed in the left-hand frame.

Step Three:  Print this page for your records before proceeding. 

Step Four:  After you have printed your credit history, please proceed to the next section by clicking on "Repayment" in the left-hand column or the arrow to the right.

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